Baron Zemo

Baron Zemo, being one of the core characters, suffers from my original misguided attempts at batch painting and then drastically changing up my approach and going high contrast painting. Looking at the model I realize now I never even finished his sword. I think I had intended to do a NMM on it and just stopped once everything else was painted. His purple is also really sloppy from the original contrast base coat. I think working with his white helped me to understand how to paint white better. It made me realize I can start with a pale gray like Corax White and shade into a more proper gray and highlight into a pure white and it looks white, but also looks like it has depth to it. That would be the foundation for which all my white in this project would be painted going forward.

Fortunately, despite my issues with him, I will be doing a repaint of him with my second core set.


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