Ronan the Accuser

Ronan was a lot of fun to paint and I think it’s because I wasn’t trying to do anything fancy with him and I wasn’t very vested in how good he came out, so I just got to kind of turn my brain off and paint. Funnily enough, I find that some of my better paint jobs come from when that happens. I suspect that’s because I don’t overthink the paint job and I just kind of go with what looks good. He was a fairly lazy paint job and I’m pretty happy with how he came out. I might have to come back and comment on him later once I’ve had a chance to sit with my feelings about him or learn something about his paint job with a future paint experience, as right now I’m more excited to be done with him than I am what I did with him. Getting close to being done with my backlog and ready for new releases, which is what really has me excited.

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